What Is Paintless Dent Repair Used For?
As you’ve probably already guessed, paintless dent repair (PDR) is used to repair dents. However, that’s a pretty vague statement and could mean many different things.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the who, what, where, when, and why paintless dent repair is used. This will help you determine if paintless dent repair is right for you and your vehicle.
Of course, if you have any specific questions, it’s wise to reach out to auto body repair technicians at a reputable repair shop (like EZ Auto Spa). They can take a look at your specific situation and provide advice.
Before jumping into the details, it’s important to note that paintless dent repair is often the cheapest option for repairing a dent.
That’s because this repair method is relatively straightforward and not all too time-consuming. However, “relatively” is the key word here. Paintless dent repair still takes a lot of skill and practice. You also need to have the right equipment.
While paintless dent repair is typically a quicker method than say replacing a panel and painting it, the process can still take quite a while. Further, in some cases, PDR might not actually be the cheapest method for resolving dents on your vehicle.
Besides looking at when PDR is likely the best choice, we’ll also consider situations when another repair method may be more appropriate.
The most important thing is figuring out what’s best for you and your vehicle. With that said, let’s look at what paintless dent repair is.
So What is Paintless Dent Repair?
Paintless dent repair involves using tools to “pop” a dent out. The right auto repair technicians can restore the metal to its original shape. These technicians will have a variety of tools at their disposal and will select the right tools for the job.
Metal has a sort of “memory” and has a tendency to want to be in its original shape. This is good news because this “memory” makes PDR easier. With paintless dent repair, your repair technicians will help the metal out and get it back into its original shape.
As the name implies, there’s no need to touch up paint with paintless dent repair. However, if deep scratches are present, PDR likely won’t resolve them.
How is Paintless Dent Repair Performed?
Top-notch autobody repair shops will have a variety of tools on hand to perform paintless dent repair. The exact tools used for any given job will depend on the dent and the vehicle. The right tools for implementing PDR in one case may be different from the tools used to mitigate another dent.
Which tools are the right tools? Honestly, that depends on the dent, how easy / hard it is to access, how deep or big it is, and various other factors.
In some cases, technicians may use tools to get behind the dented panel where they can then push it out. In other cases, technicians might use special glues and dent pullers.
There’s no one-size-fits-all tool for performing PDR. What’s important is finding the right tools for the job. Fortunately, when you work with a leading auto body repair shop, you can count on the technicians using the right tools for the job. If you’re curious what tools might be used, go ahead and ask the staff.
When is PDR Used?
Paintless Dent Repair is used whenever it’s economically feasible and when it’ll achieve good results. Of course, the importance comes with the details. PDR is most effective when dents are on large, flat panels. Rounded curves and sharp edges make paintless dent repair more difficult, and in some cases, PDR may simply not work.
If there are a lot of dents on the vehicle, PDR may become economically infeasible even if it could be used to mitigate most or all of the dents. In some cases, it simply makes more sense to replace the panel or go for an “80% to 95%” repair.
Further, paintless dent repair cannot fix damaged paint. Thus, it’s usually used when the paint is in good condition. Still, even if a dent has damaged paint or is accompanied by deep scratches, PDR may be useful.
An automotive technician may first flatten and smooth the metal out. Then, he or she can use touch-up paint and sealants to mitigate the scratch.
Why is Paintless Dent Repair Used?
By now, you already know that this repair method is used to repair dents. That’s the end goal. But why is paintless dent repair used over other options? This method is popular become it’s often more affordable and often produces the quickest results. PDR often costs just a fraction of other repair methods.
Insurance companies want to keep costs low, so they’ll typically choose the cheapest repair method that will achieve the desired outcome. Many car owners will make the same choice.
After all, a penny saved is a penny earned. PDR is typically the most affordable option for repairing dents. And in many cases, it’s the best option not even considering the savings.
Where is PDR Performed? Who Should Perform it?
When it comes to “where,” the best place is a top-notch autobody repair shop. Paintless dent repair may seem easy. Indeed, if you watch pros perform the work, it often looks simple.
However, practiced hands and skill go a long way. PDR procedures are often tricky, and if performed improperly, your car could get damaged.
In this case, the “who” is perhaps more important than the “where.” You want skilled, experienced, and well-trained technicians who are held to the highest standards to repair your vehicle. This will help ensure the best results.
That said, you can buy PDR kits online, often for less than $100. The tools in these cheap kits typically aren’t as effective as expensive pro-grade tools. Still, properly used, these kits may be able to fix some dents.
If you have an older car and you want to try to fix some dents but aren’t worried if something goes wrong, you could give PDR a try at home.
If you have a classic car, a brand new car, or a car that you simply love, it’s often best to let the professionals handle the work.
Is Paintless Dent Repair Right For Me?
Paintless dent repair is an effective treatment procedure for many, probably most, dents. That said, not every dent can or should be treated with PDR. In some cases, more intensive procedures may be needed. It’s wise to chat with service professionals to see what route you should take.
Autobody repair experts can help you determine the best procedure to mitigate and eliminate dents. This way, your car can be restored to like-new, or at least much better, condition. These experts can also help you understand the costs of each repair method, thus ensuring that you maximize the value of the repairs.
What is paintless dent repair used for FAQS
What kind of dents can be repaired paintless?
Many different dents can be repaired with PDR. However, PDR won’t repair scratches. Dents on creases or sharp ridges may be hard or even impossible to fix.
What are the benefits of paintless dent repair?
PDR, in many cases, will restore your vehicle’s good looks while also keeping costs low.
What are some examples of dents that PDR can repair?
PDR can be used to fix dents caused by hail, minor collisions, errant baseballs and the like, fallen branches, and more.